Friday, October 3, 2014

Heartbroken: Thoughts on Faith in a Broken World

I know it's been a long time since I've blogged here, but I'm back to process life a little bit more.

I've been thinking a lot about brokenness lately.

I'll give a little context:  I challenged myself mid-August to spend this year learning to love people better.  In the beginning, I thought it would be about mindset.  I thought it would be about intentionally loving people that I care about, and forcing myself to simply be kind to those I did not like, "for the sake of love".  Well, I was wrong.  Because along with that, I asked God to challenge me.  I asked Him to guide me and to give me opportunities.

The "problem" is, God didn't just show me how to love.  He opened my eyes to something beautiful.  A world I was already deeply in love with.  The people, the places, everything about this earth is wonderful and amazing.  But it is broken.  And now I seem to break down in despair every other day because of that brokenness.  It is so badly broken that no matter where I look, I see something terrible.  Truth does not reign, peace is not abundant, beauty is not appreciated, health and life and joy are scarce at best, and it is not okay.

I am not okay.

Because ever since I realized I was in love with creation, I realized that every single part of creation is hurting.  And I don't like it.  I want everything and everyone to be okay.  To be healthy, beautiful, wonderful, joyful . . .

We live in a broken world.  I've known this since I can remember, but now I am finally, in my heart, aware of it.  And now I waver between these two things:  Anguish - deep and terrible despair, mourning for the total depravity of man; and apathy - absolute uncaring, ultimate surrender of an irresponsible and defeated kind.

I'm a perfectionist.  I'll own that.  I'm a perfectionist.  And I want so badly to believe that anything I could possibly be a part of or have some influence on is perfect - must be perfect.  I'd like to think I have an impact on this world.  But this world is far from perfect.  So what do I do?  I walk away.  Just long enough to think I don't care any more, because perfectionists would rather give up, not try, and walk away uncaring than face the truth that they may have failed at something.  The problem is, I know I'm a failure.  That's what sin is.  I fail every day.  But God has forgiven and redeemed me - and I can't stay away, because I am a part of this world.  I see, feel, hear, know the pain and the brokenness, every single day.  I can't escape it, even when I try to.

So though I waver, I always come back to that first feeling, that despair for this broken world, our broken lives.  And I don't know what to do about it.

It seems that daily I find myself asking God to use me to fix something.  I like fixing things.  I like helping people.  Anything that would bring some form of harmony into this dark and shattered existence.  But I haven't really gotten any answers.  Daily, I ask God what he wants me to do with my life.  What the heck is a poor, young, female, Creative Writing Major in her sophomore year of college going to do to help this world?  God, what do you want from me?  Am I doing something wrong?  Is there something else I could do that is right?  Why don't I feel led to do something?  Why won't you guide me?  Why won't you use me for good?

And more importantly:  Why won't you fix what is broken?

There's a definite tension.  Because I know in my head that it's going to get a lot worse before it gets any better, and I'm waiting for that to happen so that Jesus will come.  But I also want so desperately to keep that badness from coming altogether, because then everyone I love so dearly will be protected from final judgment.  I want Jesus to come back, to make things right again, but I'm also terrified that He'll come - too soon - and there will be broken people who I could have saved, helped, drawn to loving Him.

But who am I to make those calls?

God is in control.*  And despite the pain, the brokenness, the fear, and the worry, I know He is good.  I don't understand a lot of this world, but I choose to believe that He is good.  He is the one who knows what is best, and He is the one with the power to save - not me.  Do I wish he would give me some answers?  Yes.  But I will always keep trusting Him and trying to follow His lead.

I pray that He will save those people that I cannot save.  I pray that He will use me when the time is right - or someone else if they are better suited to His use.  I pray that brokenness will be mended - at the proper time.  And I believe it will.
"This would be my comfort;
I would even exult in pain unsparing,
for I have not denied the words of the Holy One."

*I would write more about surrendering, but I don't think I could articulate it any better than this article by a friend of mine, which I was challenged and blessed to read the other day.  If you're curious (and I hope you are), I recommend that you read it as well.

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