Monday, January 13, 2014

An Apology and A Hope

Because I can't make any promises.

Well, it's been a while.  In fact, it's been almost three months since I last posted on here - almost immediately after promising a weekly posting system.  Well, I take full responsibility for that.  Obviously.  It's my blog.  I can blame my lack of writing on school, on social life, on lack of inspiration - whatever was stopping me on each individual day.  But the bottom line is that I stopped blogging, and when I did, I stopped taking the time to sit down and process my own ideas.  When I did that, I effectively lost a little bit of myself.  Not a lot, but enough that I realized I miss it, and I want it back.  I want to be my full self, and that includes writing about stuff.  Yeah, stuff.  I never quite know what I'll be writing about, but I want to keep writing.  I'm still discovering myself in a lot of ways, and I know blogging helps me to do so.  So here I am, back in the blogsphere.  Begging forgiveness for my absence (not that anyone noticed, or cared, but I'd like to think it's still worth apologizing) and presenting my current hope.

My hope is that I will get back on track with blogging this week, and continue on that track when my second semester begins next week.  I'd like to post at least once a week, like I said I would back in September.  Staying true to the original format of this blog, posts will be random and inexplicable, and cover a plethora of topics.  All I can say is, they will be me.  I present this as a hope because I prefer not to make a promise on which I cannot deliver.  I have no idea what this next chunk of my life will hold.  I can't promise that I'll always be able to post.  But I hope that I will.  I want to.

And with that, I begin the re-entering.  And bid Blogger a wonderful night.

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